
Artist Spotlight # 38

Submitted by mimi 02/03/09 7:57 AM GMT

We have another artist to view in the spotlight for 2009…nominated by popular vote. I present to you Sandi, better known as tigger3. Please take some time to note her favorite image as well as visit her entire entire gallery!

Hello Everyone, I must say I was so thrilled and yet shocked when I read the PM that said I was chosen by you my friends to be the Artist of the Month! I had to re-read it just to make sure I was not dreaming.

I would like to give you some insight to the person behind Tigger3. My name is Sandra Leiter and I live with my partner Harry, of 18 years, in an old two story farmhouse on just a little over 3 acres with my 5 cats and our yellow lab Dakota; we have also have horses and ferrets. I have been married twice and that is enough, I did not want to go for number 3 even though that is my favorite number. lol! I have a daughter Shannon who is married and they live not too far from here on their own little countryside home with dogs, cats and horses - I guess it runs in the family. lol! I was born In Fremont, Nebraska but at the age of 8 my parents decided to move west to California. My dad went first to find a place to live and a job after which he sent for us. My mom and I went by train to San Francisco and met up with dad and then settled into our new apt and lifestyle. I went through school out there and finished high school and made it through the 60's and all that had to offer, and then started working at the Stanford Bookstore on the Stanford University campus and stayed there till 1982. I then moved out to Indiana with my second husband who was from this state and he wanted to come home. After my parents retired they in turn moved back to their roots of Nebraska and then after having health issues asked me to look for a house for them close by. With much vigor I found them a comfortable new home which is located between my workplace and home. Harry and I rented a U-Haul and moved them into their new home and that day they first walked into the door of the new house was the first time they actually saw it other than on paper. I was so happy to have them close by once again after so many years and they were very pleased with the new home.

I first found out about caedes from the Kim Kommando newsletter and started visiting it all the time. I so enjoyed the wonderful postings from all over the world and I was in awe of the fantastic works by the members. Not till after my dad's passing did I for some reason decide to join caedes and give this photography thing a try. My first postings were taken with the Fuji fine Pix point and shoot, and then I decided to get my first DSLR - the Samsung GX 1L and now I'm using the Canon 450D. At first I thought I had made the wrong purchase with the Canon but now that I have stored away the kit lens and bought my first sigma lens - the 17-70 and with some trial and error shots I'm enjoying my new camera and also the zoom lens's I have purchased.

I have made this my full time hobby and just love it. I have seen so many new things and found new places even close to home, which I would never have found if it was not for the camera bug I now have in me. On one nature walk I met a wonderful lady who told me she had left the church but was finding her way back and hoped to be able to do mission work in time. A short time ago I got an email from her telling me she was going on her mission to Kenya In April. We are meeting for lunch this Saturday and I look forward to seeing her again. My posting "Kathleen's Serenity" was inspired by her and the fast friendship we made that day.

My favorite image in my gallery is "Visitor at the Gardens" It brought me my highest score and also put me onto the top 20 images of 2008. I was very humbled to find this out from a very good friend of mine on caedes. I would never have guessed that back in Oct. 2006 when I joined and started to post images that I would make such a list let alone the artist of the month. I get so much enjoyment from this site and the wonderful friends I have made. The highlight of my time on caedes and making friends came when I got that special long distance phone call from England! I actually was talking to my long time and dear friend Anne-Marie (papi11on). I so wish I could make the trip to England for the UK get together but my commitments close to home keep me from that at this time - maybe next year!

What I truly enjoy is my friendships I have made, the wonderful back and forth PM's and viewing your wonderful images. I so enjoy seeing other parts of the world through your eyes and camera lenses. I have learned so much since my early days on here. From what makes a good composed image and the meaning of DOF! :) I have lots more to learn and I think that is a never ending thing - the learning process. I would like to expand my knowledge more into other programs like reflect and terragen to name a few but need to take the time to do it.

I will bring this to an end; I hope it does not end up being too long. I want to thank you my good friends for your support, friendship and all the help many of you have given me. I have asked you a lot of questions. I do try to help others also, and wish I could even more. I cannot express enough my feelings of being chosen by you as this Month's Artist to be spotlighted. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would make it to this point. I really owe this to you, my friends who are so helpful in their comments, support and true friendship! Thank you! =^..^= Sandi


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