
Artist Spotlight # 25

Submitted by mimi 08/14/07 4:25 PM GMT

Well, we have another artist to be spotlighted. This one is most recognized by her greeting of 'Kia Ora'. I present to you LynEve
Eve has a unique way of presenting her images to us, so take a break from your busy day and peruse her gallery after you read the bio below & leave her some feedback on her work. Kia Ora Everyone :)

“What is Art?”

Tolstoy had some ideas and wrote a whole book on the subject :) I am too busy with my camera to read it lol, but through the wonders of the Internet I learn that part of his theory was that “Art must create a specific emotional link between artist and audience, one that ‘infects’ the viewer. Thus, real art requires the capacity to unite people via communication” I think that happens here. I know I am infected by much of what I see. Artworks do not have to be masterpieces; they just need to say something. Communication can only be good. If any one of my pictures has touched someone in any way, then I am proud to be a part of that.

The very fact that I am writing this is a tribute to the members of Caedes who have provided inspiration, advice, and their valued opinions, since I discovered the site in February 2006, and I thank you for this honour, which took me by surprise and actually made me speechless (for a short time anyway :) The most enjoyable things for me about being a member are catching a glimpse into the lives and countries and sometimes the minds of others, to learn from help so willingly and generously given, and be inspired by such a diverse group of artists whose work is a joy to behold. I am often in awe of much of it.

I discovered Caedes by following a link saying this was the best site on the Internet for desktop wallpapers. It was correct. It was, and still is. I read that it is a “close community of artists, designers, and photographers” and I joined, not thinking I fitted into any category and still not sure that I do. I am a VAP– Very Amateur Photographer. At that time my camera was a 2MP Kodak (LS420) which had only one control, the shutter button, and I had never photographed anything other than snaps of family occasions. I hope it is an encouragement to those who do not have top-of-the-range equipment that one or two of my photos taken with that camera are included in the permanent galleries. Any camera can take a good photo. Since then I have used my Kodak V550 and more recently a Panasonic DMC-FZ7. I do most of my post-processing with Paint Shop Pro. I have aspirations to own a DSLR but before that will have to learn a bit more about manual controls, instead of relying on Auto, so for now I will continue to ‘point and shoot’. I am learning the terminology - I now know that DOF is not Daft Old Fool, White Balance is not some sort of washing powder, and Exposure is not . . . well, not what I thought it was.

The discovery of fractals and other computer art was an eye opener for me and my admiration for the skills of those artists is immense, even encouraging me to dabble a little, and although very few of my efforts are for public display I do enjoy experimenting.

I am asked to choose my favourite image – I do not really have one. It is usually the one I am working on or the one I have just uploaded. If I did have to choose it would be Liverpool Echo, firstly because it was my first image to fulfill my ambition of gaining a score above 90, and secondly because it was a one-off shot, proving that sometimes we should shoot before thinking.

I call New Zealand ‘home’, having lived here since childhood, although I have a great affection and attachment for my birthplace, England. I have visited the UK three times since. The most recent (and likely the last) was just one year ago, when I was able, for the first time, to show my husband of 38 years my place of origin. Possibly it explained to him some of my peculiarities lol Some of you know me as Lyn, others as Eve, and some LynEve. I answer to any. I am also known as Mum and Nana. We have three grown up sons. The two elder ones live in NZ and have blessed us with four beautiful grandchildren. Our youngest son lives in the north of England very close to where I was born. I have worked part time in a legal office for 22 years, which keeps me busy.

I would like to pay tribute to the founder and owner of the site, Caedes. We are so fortunate to have this site as a vehicle to display our varied and diverse selection and levels of talents. Thank you Sir, you’re a star! To those who give their time and effort behind the scenes, to keep the site running smoothly – thank you, you are appreciated for what you do. And thanks from me to all members. I believe this is indeed a close community, as stated on the front page. By working together and learning together we can keep it that way.

Haere Mai to any who venture into my Gallery – don’t get lost, it’s a large one. I resisted the temptation to delete some of the lower rated images – one of them may just be the one that ‘communicates’ with you :)

Keep smiling everyone.



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